Child Abuse Prevention Workshops

Child Abuse: 6 Hour        
Time & Date TBD
ST# 10105641
Cost: $30

All current Ohio Approved Trainings and Child Abuse Recognition and Prevention Classes are available as remote learning workshops
upon request. First Aid and CPR trainings are available as blended learning or in-person training.

Current Ohio Approved Trainings

Participants will understand the benefits of using STEM activities and their role as a facilitator of learning. Participants will create and develop STEM activity box for children grades K-6.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Participants will understand how active play enables and encourages children to make connections between literacy and the components of literacy; Listening and Talking, Reading and Writing.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

Participants will learn effective conferencing techniques and how to ask and listen to develop a deeper understanding of the needs of family members. 

CDA Area: To establish positive and productive relationships with families

Age Group: Infant, Toddler, Preschool. and School Age 

This session is designed to learn and create outdoor learning activities that are fun in addition to meeting the State content standards.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 


Outside Learning, Outside FUN provides teachers with educational fun learning games to play outside. Kids will be having so much fun playing games, they won’t even realize they are learning as well.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

Cognitive development in the early childhood setting. How to use developmentally appropriate learning experiences and teaching strategies to promote curiosity, reasoning and problem-solving and to lay the foundation for all later learning. A look at their theory associated with cognitive development and executive function will be covered.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

Candidate uses a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences and teaching strategies for children to explore music, movement, and the visual arts, and to develop and express their individual creative abilities.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

Participants will use a variety of developmentally appropriate learning experiences and teaching strategies to promote children’s language and literacy learning and help them communicate their thoughts and feelings verbally and nonverbally. Dual language learners’ strategies will also be discussed.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: Infant, Toddler, and Preschool 

AfterSchool KidzMath offers expertly developed games and story guides that help kids practice mathematical concepts in engaging ways and build confidence in their abilities. The cooperative nature of the program fosters children’s ability to make decisions with others, be responsible for their own learning and behavior, and have equal time to practice math skills

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

KidzLit is an afterschool literacy enrichment program that helps children develop a love of reading while also building literacy skills, a sense of community, and shared values. It is creative, active and fun! The carefully selected books and unique activities spotlight children’s own lives and what matters to them. Children hear and read stories about people like themselves.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

Do you know you are supposed to read books with children but are not sure how to select appropriate books or what to do with them once you have them?  This introductory workshop will help you identify quality, age appropriate children’s literature, provide strategies for reading effectively and develop skills for making story time an interactive experience.  

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

The Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) program is based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Coordinated School Health model. Participants will learn how to implement the physical activities and nutrition education into their afterschool program.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

This training focuses on mindfulness in early childhood education. Participants will gain an understanding of what mindfulness is, why it is important and strategies to incorporate it into their classroom, with individual and group activities. 

CDA Area: To promote social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance

Age Group: Preschool and School Age 

Strong language and literacy skills are essential for children’s success in school and life. Participants will understand the components of literacy and how to incorporate language and literacy into all program areas.

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: Infant and Toddlers 

A look at the Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards and implementation guide. Participants will learn strategies to link standards to everyday practices in the early childhood classroom to help their students become successful learners. 

CDA Area: To ensure a well-run purposeful program responsive to participants needs

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

An in-depth look at the ASQ:SE-2 Assessment system and the design and layout, and how to complete observations. Time will be spent practicing and scoring ASQ:SE-2 examples. Participants will learn how to use, score, and refer children (if needed).

CDA Area: Observing and Recording Children’s Behavior

Age Group: Infant, Toddler, Preschool 

Participants will organize and uses relationships, the physical space, materials, daily schedule, and routines to create a secure, interesting, and enjoyable environment that promotes engagement, play, exploration, and learning of all children with special needs.

CDA Area: To establish a safe, healthy, learning environment

Age Group: Preschool and School Age 

Candidate establishes a positive and cooperative relationship with each child’s family, engages in two-way communication with families. Encourage their involvement in the program and supports the child’s relationship with his or her family.

CDA Area: To establish positive and productive relationships with families

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

“Help Children Get Ready to Read” is a workshop for improving the quality of language modeling and early literacy interactions in your preschool program.  Participants will learn about early literacy research and best practices to inspire children to improve comprehension and response to language, books and stories”

CDA Area: Principles of growth and development

Age Group: Infant, Toddler and Preschool 

Through the use of two popular children’s novels, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Charlotte’s Web, participants will learn how to develop literacy skills while incorporating STEM content.  Participants will have “hands-on” experiences with STEM projects related to the novels.  Participants will choose a novel of their choice and create a STEM activity to share with the group. 

CDA Area: To advance physical and intellectual development

Age Group: School Age 

Participants will learn strategies to successfully prepare for parent teacher conferences, set goals with families and to keep families engaged in their child’s education.

CDA Area: To establish positive and productive relationships with families

Age Group: Infant, Toddler, Preschool and School Age 

This 10-session web-based course will guide you through the core methodology of Conscious Discipline, a leader in brain-based social-emotional learning that’s proven to build resilience in children, families, educators and schools. Dr. Becky Bailey — an educator, author, child development expert and founder of Conscious Discipline — takes you to the heart of the powers, skills and structures that make Conscious Discipline a transformational powerhouse.

CDA Area: To promote social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance

Age Group: Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and School Age